Welcome to the Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning Research (CIML) lab! The goal of our research is to analyze and develop novel artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science-based systems and architectures.
The CIML lab provides many scientific activities. We conduct scientific research projects, publish scientific research papers, deliver monthly research talks, supervise MSc and PhD theses, teach many courses, publish books & book chapters, apply to patents, organize scientific conferences and workshops. There are 14 researchers currently working in the CIML lab.
Our research area is related to the algorithmic and theoretical background of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science including deep learning, pattern recognition with applications to cancer research, bioinformatics, computer vision, stability & convergence analysis, big data, decision support systems, recommender systems and several specific data mining tasks.
We also cooperate with different colleges/departments and disciplines like college of medicine, college of sociology, and other potential colleges/departments. Interdisciplinary collaborations are always encouraged and important for our studies.
For more information, please contact us.
We hope to see you in the CIML lab!